Nightside clouds and disequilibrium chemistry on the hot Jupiter WASP-43b

- Bell, Taylor J.; Crouzet, Nicolas; Ducrot, Elsa; Hammond, Mark; Mendonça, João M.; Moses, Julianne I.; Parmentier, Viven; Stevenson, Kevin B.; Teinturier, Lucas; Zhang, Michael; Batalha, Natalie M.; Bean, Jacob L.; Cubillos, Patricio E.; Evans-Soma, Thomas M.; Charnay, B; Chubb, KL; Demory, BO; Gao, P; Lee, EKH; López-Morales, M; Morello, G; Rauscher, E; Sing, DK; Kreidberg, Laura; Tan, X; Venot, O; Wakeford, HR; Aggarwal, K; Ahrer, EM; Alam, MK; Baeyens, R; Barrado, D; Caceres, C; Carter, AL; Piette, Anjali A. A.; Casewell, SL; Challener, RC; Crossfield, IJM; Decin, L; Désert, JM; Dobbs-Dixon, I; Dyrek, A; Espinoza, N; Feinstein, AD; Gibson, NP; Roman, Michael T.; Harrington, J; Helling, C; Hu, R; Iro, N; Kempton, EMR; Kendrew, S; Komacek, TD; Krick, J; Lagage, PO; Leconte, J; Barstow, Joanna K.; Lendl, M; Lewis, NT; Lothringer, JD; Malsky, I; Mancini, L; Mansfield, M; Mayne, NJ; Evans-Soma, TM; Molaverdikhani, K; Nikolov, NK; Blecic, Jasmina; Nixon, MC; Palle, E; Petit dit de la Roche, DJM; Piaulet, C; Powell, D; Rackham, BV; Schneider, AD; Steinrueck, ME; Taylor, J; Welbanks, L; Carone, Ludmila; Yurchenko, SN; Zhang, X; Zieba, S; Coulombe, Louis-Philippe